For me the worst part of a Hurricane are the hours and hours you wait for it to come. School was cancelled on Friday which made it nice to have time to write papers for School, few chapters read in the text book and of course clean house, not to mention writing lesson plans. The rest of the time most people are glued to the TV soaking in all the pictures and watching as the storm inches closer. When you get bored of doing all that you tour the neighborhood to look at what other people have done to prepare.
Take a HIKE IKE! This house is around the corner from my parents. Someone usually has some funny sign up that provides entainment on a day like today.
You can't see the sign on this house but it says protected by God and guns.
Another house not to far from my parents. I like those coverings.
They've got the right idea, only board up half the windows.
I thought this shot was AWESOME! The sea wall in Galveston is 16 feet high and the waves are already crashing over it. There have been lots of good video taken of the waves crashing. It is kind of cool to see, but I'm gratefull I'm watching a TV and not on Sea Wall Boulvard.
And just in case you didn't know what you were swimming in while at Galveston beach here you go. Don't worry after Hurricane Ike we should have pretty clean water since everything has officially washed ashore. : )
This is a restrauant that sits out in the gulf. Its pier is now gone, probably all the depri in the earlier picture. I'll be interested to see if the restrauant/shop is still standing after the hurricane.
I love that I know those houses are all on Upper Lake. Do you remember Laurie McLaughlin? Her house is the one with only half the windows boarded up. Good luck!! Maybe you should move to Utah.