Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was tagged by my cousin Andrea to name six things that are unimportant that make me happy. Well I have to think about this only six.
1. Cake pans...ok anything to do with cakes. I love it all. I love making them, decorating them, buying the newest little gadget. Ex. Cake Release! Ever tried it. that stuff is amazing. Your cake won't stick at all to the pan. That stuff is amazing. It's found in the cake decorating isle at Walmart. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! then I love to watch peoples faces as they see the cakes. That makes me estremely happy too.
2.When you wash your bed sheets and then take a shower right before you climb into bed. It's like being doubly clean. LOVE IT.
3. Biking 20 miles- feels great once I'm done especially if I biked it faster than the first time.
4. My garden and watching it grow. Picking the tomatoes off of it and eating them all (ok and giving some away. Let's face it there were tons this year) Actually I have to check on my garden every day when I come home from work.
5. Parking my car in a garage made me extremely happy tonight. I didn't have to run from the front door to turn off the alarm.
6. Ok I'll admit it.... Getting homework done before my classmate gets hers done. She always seems to be so far a head of me.


  1. I'm pretty jealous of your garden. I think my tomatoes are dying. And the biking is pretty impressive! Way to go!

  2. I think I probably could have guessed most of these about you!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday today!! Happy 30th!!! (And don't worry, I'll be joining you in the 30-something club in exactly 7 months!!) Is it weird that I'm kind of excited about turning 30? I just think all the cool people I know are in their 30s so I'm happy about joining them!!

  3. I would agree with your 6 things... good list!
