Saturday, June 28, 2008

Houston North Youth Conference

These last two days were spent helping out at Youth Conference. The Houston North Stake asks the Single Adult ward to be councilors during their two day youth conference. They put tons of work into it. Friday was spent participating in the Amazing Standards race. It was really fun and the youth loved it!

For those of you who don't watch the Amazing race this is the adaptive version. Each team was given a map of the course and one clue to start out with. At the completion of each task, which every team member had to complete or someone had to complete it twice, we would get another clue. There were 12 different tasks that revolved around the Standards of the Church. It was very clever. I don't remember what the names of all the clues were, but here are some of the task. They had to get all of the plastic spiders out of the spaghetti and on the table.
Be ye therefore clean! We had to dunk our hand in a bucket of mud and then using spray bottles clean someone elses hands off. You could not clean your own hand.
Pay 10% tithing. They had tiny bowls set out on the table. You can't see them to well. We had to stand behind a line and toss dimes into the bowl. Each team member had to get one dime in the bowl.
Be modestly dressed- Make a modest outfit out of newspaper and tape. It was very entertaining!
Kim and Stacie were also councelors. It was pretty hot outside, but the day passed by quickly with all the running around we did.
Day two of the conference was spent at the temple. On a very rare occasion President Bradford, the temple president spoke to the youth about the temple.

Here are some of the girls that were in our group! They were a really good group. When we got back to the church we had Standards Idol. I take from American Idol. They took popular songs of the day and we had to come up with new words based on the standards from th Strength of the Youth Pamplet. For example we had the song from Maroon 5 This love. We had to change the words to something about Media and entertainment. The songs were then performed by each group during dinner. They youth were great at cheering each other on. One of the Songs was a slow country song. Many of the boys went and grabbed a girl to dance while the group sang the song. It was awesome!


  1. We are trying to plan a standards night, send me those clues and challenges!

  2. I'm working on getting them. When is your Standards night?

  3. I'm working on getting them. When is your Standards night?

  4. that fountain is where david proposed to me!! :)
