Saturday, February 14, 2009

Come What May and Love it Part 2

Well I may not be sleeping beauty, but this is usually how I sleep, on my back. Since surgery I usually have to wake up brace myself for rolling over or moving. Tuesday morning I was slightly awake, just enough to be barely aware of my surroundings. Before I knew it I rolled over without completely waking up. All of a sudden I realized what I had done and was completely awake with excitement. I had moved and it had not hurt. YEAH!!! Then the next day I went to work and dropped one of the kids schedules on the floor. Again without thinking I bent down and picked it up. NO PAIN!!!! I didn't even look like a women who is nine months pregnant. So needless to say I am feeling much better! I still have a little pain here and there, but not much.


  1. I'm so glad you are feeling better! And you know, I always thought Sleeping Beauty's sleeping habits were a little unrealistic. Who sleeps in a ball gown and crown anyway?
