Sunday, January 17, 2010


After presenting at the Texas State Autism Conference I have recieved tons of emails asking for my lego books. The activity books teach students how to build lego structures one step at a time.
I have tons of these books, but the pictures are not very good. Once students master building one lego at a time we move to books where each picture has two or three legos added at a time. I also incorporate turn taking skills with all of this.
This is a very small picture of one of my books.

This duck is one of my favorites. Here are all the different structures I built over christmas break. I'm getting a little tired of taking them all apart one lego at a time and taking pictures of them, but there are about 42 Lego books I will have by the time I finish all of this.

Sure glad Susannah left the ping pong table so I could spread everything out over it. This summer I'm presenting at Region 4, doing a make and take workshop for 100 teachers. In preperation for all of this I need to finish all of these lego books, along with Mr. Potatoe Head, Lincoln Logs, Nuts and Bolts building set, Bristle blocks, Doll house- with scenerios to teach students. YIKES! I'm actually hoping that I can get all of this published. Would be nice to have a little extra income.


  1. Yay! I really like the picture with everything spread all over the ping pong table. Look at your creativity!

  2. So Cool. I told mom I would write the forward to any book you publish. As long as I can get some of your millions in profits! Brayden's toddler lab teacher works with autistic kids at the middle school. Good Luck.

  3. Very impressive. You are the envy of many teachers in the State of Texas.
